8 Simple Ways to Improve Body Positivity, with image of three women of different shapes, colours and sizes, one with tattoos.

8 Simple Ways to Improve Body Positivity

Loving your body can difficult at times, especially in a world where social media often portrays unrealistic ‘ideals’ by using filters. However, learning to love and appreciate your body is a really important aspect of self-care and self-love. Here are a some tips to help you on your journey towards body positivity.

1. Practice Self-Compassion

Treat yourself with the same kindness, care, and understanding that you would offer to a good friend. Speak to yourself in a gentle and understanding way, and try to avoid harsh self-criticism.

Do you ever hear somebody criticise themselves and think they should be kinder to themselves? Think about this if you begin to think badly about yourself. You deserve just as much compassion.

2. Everybody is Different, and That’s Okay!

Recognize that everyone is different. Your body is unique and different from anyone else’s. Embrace your individuality and celebrate your own unique features.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can do this, I have an Embracing Differences course you can access here. As an autistic woman with disabilities, I’ve always felt different. Embracing those differences is one of the best things I have ever done for my mental health.

3. Focus on Health, not Appearance

Instead of fixating on your appearance, focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This could include eating well, getting enough exercise, and getting enough sleep. I have a free 10 day mindful eating challenge that can help with the eating side of things. You can read about it here. This is not a ‘diet’ challenge, it is about how to eat mindfully, using your senses, and learning to enjoy food in a new way.

4. Challenge Negative Thoughts

When negative thoughts about your body come up, challenge them. Try to notice you are doing it and tell yourself you are beautiful to counter those negative thoughts. Eventually it will begin to sink in, because when we repeat these positive affirmations we create new neural pathways. Those pathways become stronger the more we use them, so it becomes easier over time to be more positive about our body.

5. Surround Yourself with Positivity

Spend time with people who accept and appreciate you for who you are. Avoid people who make negative comments about your body or anyone else’s. It is not okay for people to be negative about your body. You deserve to be treated with respect.

6. Embrace your Body

Wear clothes that make you feel good and that fit well, no matter what your size. Avoid clothes that are too tight or too baggy.

I have a habit of wearing baggy clothes to hide my extra curves sometimes. When I wear well fitted clothes, those are the times my husband has complimented my body. Yes I’m a bit overweight, but when you own it, that confidence shows and people will love that. Don’t get me wrong, it’s for you and not for other people, but it can be a boost to get a compliment!

7. Find Activities That You Enjoy

Find activities that you enjoy, no matter what your body shape or size. This could be anything from dancing to swimming, or hiking.

Sometimes it can feel easier to avoid things if we are perhaps overweight, have scars, or are generally not happy with our body, particularly with activities like swimming where we show a lot of our body. Just ‘going for it’ ‘ can feel really liberating though, and physical activity releases endorphins into your brain. Endorphins trigger positive feelings and can help you feel happier.

8. Be Mindful of the Media

Be mindful of the media’s portrayal of beauty and try not to compare yourself to the images you see. Remember that most images have been retouched and are not representative of real people. Real people have scars, warts, excess weight, and many more things that can be considered by some as imperfections. Those are the things that make us who we are, and the right people will love us for those things.


Remember, loving your body takes time and effort, but it’s worth it. Be kind to yourself and remind yourself that your body is amazing.

If you enjoyed this blog post, you might be interested in downloading my free e-guide, Five Ways To Transform Your Life Using Mindfulness. You can get that by clicking here.

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