How to Celebrate Christmas During a Pandemic – 2020

This year Christmas will be different, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. I’ve always been ‘different’, but I’ve learnt to embrace it. I’m going to try and do the same with this Christmas.

Missing Family

I believe it’s important for us to acknowledge how we are feeling. This Christmas there is no doubt I will miss my family. It will be the first time in my whole life that I will not be able to go to my parents house to celebrate Christmas and that is something that makes me sad. There are many ways we can still be together virtually though and make memories that way. I think we just have to try to keep focussed on what we can do rather than what we can’t.

Make Use of Technology

This year most of us have really got to grips with virtual ways of communication. Whether it be your sister Facetiming you or your grandparents learning how to Skype for the first time, pretty much everyone seems to be getting on board with virtual communication.

This Christmas I’m planning on spending a fair bit of time on video calls with my family and my in-laws. It’s not the same as being there in person, but it’s the next best thing and I think the way I will make it through Christmas this year is by accepting it is a unique year, hopefully a ‘one off’ and making the best of the circumstances we are faced with.

Virtual Father Christmas Visits!

Santa trying to work out video calling!

If taking your child to see Father Christmas is part of your usual run up to Christmas, COVID-19 doesn’t have to stop this happening entirely. There are lots of companies offering virtual chats with Santa. Make sure you take the usual online safety precautions if you opt for this and choose a reputable company.


I look forward to the Christmas traditions we have in our family. Christmas Eve would usually be spent at my parents house and they would give us a Christmas Hamper ready for us to unwrap on Christmas morning. Christmas Day my husband looks forward to the drive to his parents house whilst listening to the music he has got for Christmas.

We all have traditions that will most likely not go ahead in their usual way this year, but we can try to adapt things so that we can keep them as similar as we can to normal. Alternatively you can choose to break old traditions completely and make new ones. You might find you actually really like the new traditions you are making.

Go Decoration Crazy!

We have decided to put up more decorations this year and bring it forward so we will be starting to be putting up decorations soon. I have been online looking at new decorations, but the main thing I think we will do this year is make lots of home made things to put up around the house. Whether it be using paper plates to make a snowman, or making paper chains – we will get the house looking festive!

I used to think that putting Christmas decorations up before December was ridiculous to be honest but I’ve done a complete U-turn. Extend the joy. If something makes you happy then do it. We will have such fun decorating and I think we all need some sparkle at the moment!

Make Use of Free Printables

If your children (or you!) are at a loose end over the Christmas holidays, take a look at Pinterest. If you search ‘Christmas Free Printables’ you are sure to have lots of ideas pop up.


In the UK a Pantomime is one of our Christmas Traditions. For those of you who don’t live in the UK and are wondering what one is, it is a theatre show aimed to take children to. It usually includes adult jokes that go over children’s heads so it is fun for the whole family. It is usually based on a fairy tale and runs through December and January in UK theatres.

This year it looks like most will be cancelled with some still undecided from what I understand (although this changes day by day due to the everchanging social distancing rules!).

YouTube could save the day if you really want to see a Pantomime this year as there are loads on there. I am hoping that some new ones might be shown on the TV over Christmas.

Stay Safe

The most important thing of all this Christmas is to stay safe. I hope you all enjoy the run up to Christmas and the day itself. Feel free to share in the comments how you will be celebrating this year.

Enjoy the festive season and take care.

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