How to Approach Black Friday Mindfully

Today’s blog is going to be a short one, but I felt it was important to remind people not to spend beyond your means on Black Friday, and check if you are really getting a bargain before pressing that ‘buy’ button.

Think about the following:

  • Do I need that thing?
  • Will I use that thing?
  • Is it really a bargain (websites like Pricespy are good for comparing prices across the market)?
  • Can you afford that thing?

If the answer is no to any of the above, then consider if you really want to make that purchase. I’m just going to put a comparison below to help you with mindful shopping.

Impulse Purchase: When you buy something without thinking about it thoroughly.

Mindful Purchase: When you consider the purchase properly before buying it.

I did think twice about posting this, because I myself will be offering a Black Friday deal on my courses over the weekend. However, if you choose to buy my courses, I encourage you to do it in the same way as I’ve advised above.

If you enjoyed this post, you may also be interested in my mindful eating blog post. You can read that here.

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