How to Love Yourself

How to Love Yourself

Have you ever found yourself wondering how other people can be so confident and you just don’t feel it? In this blog I’m going to talk about how to learn to love yourself.

People Don’t Expect Perfection

Firstly, try to remember that any reasonable person will not expect perfection. Everybody makes mistakes, everyone fluffs their words sometimes, and everyone has gone out at least once with something on their face that they didn’t know was there (whether it be a lump of toothpaste or a piece of food visible between their teeth!).

Unrealistic Expectations

Despite the above, we can sometimes put unrealistic expectations on ourselves to be a certain way. It is good to strive to be better at things or try to reach realistic targets. However, it’s important to keep those targets realistic to avoid a feeling of disappointment.

Baby Steps

To feel good about yourself, set yourself small targets when you want to achieve something. That way you get a feeling of achievement more regularly, which can help you stay motivated and improve your self-esteem.

For example, if you’re new to mountain climbing, plan a target of some short walks to begin with rather than your first target be to climb Mount Everest!

Try Not to Compare Yourself to Others

There is nothing wrong with looking to others for inspiration. However, sometimes that inspiration can turn into comparisons, which is where it can become negative. When you compare yourself to others, it can leave you feeling like you’re not good enough so try to avoid doing this.

Social Media is Not Real Life

When we look to others for inspiration, what you see or hear may not be real. Social media is full of filtered images, and people either exaggerating the truth or lying completely about their achievements. Try to remember this when you are looking online.

Be Your Best Self

Be the best person you can be. That is enough.

Once you have accepted that, you will in time learn to love yourself. Self-acceptance can be difficult to achieve sometimes, but small changes to your mindset can make big differences.

Positive Affirmations

Telling yourself you are amazing might sound a bit cringey, but by telling yourself this regularly you can train your brain into believing it.

You could try this technique for all sorts of things to help improve your self-confidence, and ability to love yourself.

Choose Love

The slogan ‘choose love’ is used usually in the context of choosing to love others and treat other people well.

Start with yourself! You are important too.

If you liked this post, you might like my free mindfulness course, which you can sign up to here.

You may also like my blog post ’11 Mindfulness Activities to Calm Anxiety’.

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