My best 5 tips to get through January

My Best 5 Tips to Get Through January

Is anyone else feeling like January hit them like a brick?! January hit me really hard this year. With the come down from Christmas, it can be really difficult to settle back into a regular month/routine. Here are some tips on how to get through January. It’s okay to be feeling low, but these things can really help lift your mood.

1. Get rid of unrealistic New Years resolutions!

I’m all for setting yourself goals, but sometimes when we reach the New Year we put massive expectations on ourselves and then feel bad about ourselves when we fail. Instead, set yourself small goals. Slow and steady wins the race!

2. Go for a Walk

Walking can be a great way to help your mood. It doesn’t have to be far, just what you can manage. Try to really take notice of the things you notice around you when on your walk. You can read more about the benefits of mindful walking here.

I’ve recently started a virtual walking challenge on the West Coast Trail in Canada. The idea is that you log any exercise you do and then log it on their app. It then shows you how far you would have gone on that particular trail and on some of them you can see where you have got to on Street View. You get an awesome looking medal at the end of it.

Some may see it as a waste of money (mine cost around £25), but it is well worth it for me as it’s really helping motivate me. I do have an affiliate link which will get you 10% off if you use it. For transparency, I get a free challenge for every 2 referrals. This is not why I’m recommending it though as I can only do small distances so I have a year target for my current challenge. Click here to access the discount.

3. Take Some Outdoor Pictures

One of my favourite things to do is to take pictures of nature outdoors. I find it really grounding. This morning when I woke up (or was woken up I should say by my son leaping in my bed!), I didn’t really want to get up for the day. He saw the moon outside and said it’s the best ever, so I sat up and took a look. It was beautiful so I got my camera and took some photos of it. Here is the photo.

Doing simple things like this can lift your mood.

4. Cuddles

Some people don’t like cuddles very much, and that’s okay. You’ll likely know if you’re a cuddly person or not. If you’re not then you can skip this tip if you want to.

Sometimes when we are busy with life, we forget to just stop and give our loved ones a cuddle. They might need one as much as you! I’ve had lots of cuddles from my husband this week. We’ve both needed it, I can feel the stress melt away from us both as we relax into each others arms. Cuddles can be a powerful ‘pick me up’. Never underestimate the power of a good cuddle!

5. Listen to a Guided Body Scan

The other thing I’ve been doing that is making a big difference to the tension in my body, is a guided body scan. There are some great videos on YouTube if you type in guided body scan. I usually search for 5 minute ones as I personally like short ones or I get sleepy! You can choose longer ones if you prefer though.

With a guided body scan, for those of you not familiar with it, it talks you through different parts of the body and you notice the sensations and relax each body part as you go. It can leave you feeling amazingly relaxed and like a weight has been lifted.

Good luck!

Good luck with using these tips. Leave me a comment if you’ve used the techniques and find them useful, or share your own tips that are helping you get through January.

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