Nutrition and Hydration Week 2022

This week is Nutrition and Hydration Week 2022. I am going to focus mainly on hydration as something has come up for me recently that has highlighted the importance of staying hydrated.

I do have a mindful eating challenge that you may like to take a look at if you want help with your approach to food though. You can access that by clicking the image below.

Picture of fruits and a smoothie. Image links to the mindful eating challenge.

Going back to the topic of hydration, I have recorded a video about the reasons why staying hydrated is so important, how it can help with long-Covid and POTS, and some tips on how to drink more during the day. You can view the video below.

To see more content like this, please subscribe to my blog and YouTube channel.

If you would like to enrol on my free course, you can click the image below.

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