I can’t be the only one who can’t wait for Spring to arrive the minute Winter arrives?! Not very mindful I know, but I can’t help but look forward to the Spring, and here’s why!
1. New Life
I get so excited when I start to see the bulbs coming up out of the ground and blossom starting to appear on the trees.

2. Cute Lambs!
Lambing season is just adorable. The way they jump about fills me with joy, and you can even go and bottle feed them at some local farms which is lovely for adults and kids alike.

3. The Sun & Vitamin D
I personally struggle with the lack of sunlight in the Winter in the UK, so when the Spring arrives I am really grateful for that extra sunshine. We’re not quite getting it yet in early Spring as it’s still pretty rainy at the moment, but it’s coming!
The sun gives us Vitamin D, and Vitamin D is helpful for regulating the amount of Calcium and Phosphate we have in the body so the sun not only makes us feel more cheerful, but it’s also physically good for the body.
4. Getting Out in the Garden
Whether you’re a gardener or not, getting out into the fresh air is really good for us. I love pottering about in the garden.

A good mindful activity in the garden is looking closely at what is around you at the new growth and animals, which brings me nicely onto the next thing I love about the Spring!
5. Photography
As much as I love photographing nature, I just don’t enjoy being out in the cold over the Winter. My circulation could be better (to put it lightly!) and being out in the cold just doesn’t agree with me. Although that said, sometimes I can’t resist and go out to take pictures of the frost. I love a frosty cobweb photo!
When Spring arrives it’s a great opportunity to get my camera out and photograph all that new growth though. I like to get close to the tree branches and really see what is there. Try it – you will probably notice more than you did on a brief glance and nature is amazing!

6. Starting New Habits
With a new season comes a great opportunity to create new habits. I had a session with Pink Moon yesterday, who is a psychic amongst other things. She also does counselling so the session was a brilliant mixture of psychic guidance and also probably some counselling elements too.
Following the session, I am planning on really putting those things into action. Some of them I have already.
Is there something that you want to start doing? Now might be a good time to give it a go.
7. Spring Cleaning
This one is a mixed bag for me! As much as I love to have a tidy, decluttered space – I find it difficult! I will be following my own decluttering course next week to get on top of things again. It seems weird following my own course, but it keeps me on track! You can get it by clicking below.

8. Outdoor Activities
It is a lovely time of year to go exploring, or even to just visit the local park. I am looking forward to wandering around the local nature reserve as the weather warms up.

Overall, spring is a great time to embrace new beginnings and make positive changes in your life. Whether you’re focusing on your home, health, or personal growth, there are loads of ways to make the most of the new season.
Let me know in the comments what you love about the Spring.