The Mindful Chalk Project

The Mindful Chalk Project is something I created to bring communities together and spread positivity.

Create whatever chalk designs you like. It could be anything from writing positive statements (like ‘be kind’) to games (such as noughts and crosses). Whatever you choose, have fun with it and enjoy the moment!

When is it?

This is an annual event. The 2023 one has passed but the next Mindful Chalk Project will take place on the 8th – 9th June 2024.

Where is it?

Wherever you want it to be! Just make sure if you’re not on your own property, that you have permission from the landowner to draw chalk in the place you choose.

The idea is that everyone does their drawings or writing, and then shares it online so we are sharing love and positivity.

Picture of a sun drawn with chalk.

How to take part

You can choose to take part individually, or you could get your whole community involved. 

What should you draw or write?

You can create whatever you feel inspired to draw or write. Try to pay attention to your senses when doing it and notice how you feel to make it a mindful activity.

If you would like some more suggestions on what to do and how to do it, you can click here to read my blog post .

How can I view other peoples creations?

You can view other peoples designs by using the hashtag #TheMindfulChalkProject2024.